1. 2D:

    1. Character walking around a vertically rotating environment as the world transitions from pre-apocalyptic to post. Mood of animation will be overly cheerful portrayed via the look of key environmental pieces and the demeanor and emotion of the character.

    2. Character in wooden dinghy attempts to sail up a waterfall and fails. Somewhat epic portrayal of journey up to the falls only to abruptly cease as contact is made and the boat either is destroyed or just goes straight through.

    3. Character endlessly tumbling down an up escalator as people on the other watch in confusion. Character begins atop the escalator jovially attempting to walk down the upwards moving escalator, as the step disappears from beneath his feet he falls reaches the mid-way point and starts his endless tumbling.


    1. Steampunk airship with majority of size coming from the height rather than length.

    2. Small fishing dinghy in a 50 x 50 square of water (created via displacement maps).

    3. Small scale floating island with a few miniature structures.

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